The Plot
A long time ago there was a witch, unbeknown to her that she would be one of the most powerful of her kind.
An angry husband set her off and she started her journey.
Thousands of years later in a laboratory, a pair of twin girls were being created, descendants of the witch. They grew separately in two very different worlds never knowing of the other sister. The one twin Katharine was a spirited girl who went after everything she ever wanted including Jacob Black.
In her teen years, in a whirlwind romance and a sudden pregnancy, leading to more unexpected pregnancies, Katharine finally learned of the supernatural. Her husband being a werewolf and her sister Bella turning to a vampire. With floods and faking an internship at a hospital, they discovered the world wasn't their's alone, that it held something much bigger than them, across the stars. In her heart she knew they'd never be fully accepted on Earth, so Katharine hatched a plan, and with the Stargate they moved worlds.
All was going fine until one day a great threat appeared; the evil ones a race of aliens that wished to conquer the universe. With one last attempt, they fled, heading back to earth. When they were tired of waiting, Evanora (Katharine's daughter) made a ship with her magic, and they were off to rebuild Harmony.
After crash landings and civilian wars they finally found a new home. But Katharine knew that the threat of the evil ones loomed in the near future. Fourteen years, Moon had prophesied. Time went by and the prophecy would come to pass soon enough. The only way to at least try to stop them would be to send the 6. A set of sextuplets holding the abilities of all the supernatural.
Now they wait, either to win or be conquered to the death!